CRYSTALClear.base package
- class BS_GTF(info)
A Gaussian type function object.
- Parameters:
info (str) – GTF radial coefficients in CRYSTAL format
- property data
Print basis set information in CRYSTAL format
- class BS_Shell(ITYB, LAT, NG, CHE, SCAL, info)
The Shell object to set a general basis set.
- Parameters:
info (list[str]) – String in Crystal format
Other arguments are consistent with CRYSTAL manual.
- property data
Print basis set information in CRYSTAL format
- class BS_Atom(z, info)
The atom object to set a basis set.
The type of basis set should be consistent for all the shells. Otherwise unexpected errors might happen.
Free effective core pseudopotential (ECP) definition not supported.
- Parameters:
z (int) – Convential atomic number Z.
info (list(str)) – String in Crystal BS format
- conventional_atomic_number(zconv)
Set convential atomic number.
- Parameters:
zconv (int) – Z(real atomic number) + n*100. N is an integer.
- property data
Print basis set information in CRYSTAL format
- class BasisSetBASE
The basisset object in CRYSTAL format. When called, one can pass the following arguments:
- Parameters:
name (str | None) – When specified, download the corresponding basis set from Basis Set Exchange(BSE)
element (list[str] | list[int]) – Elements to download. Either as a list of atomic numbers or labels.
For basis sets from BSE, reference and roles are omitted.
- classmethod from_bse(name, element, zconv=None)
Download basis set definitions from BSE.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Basis set’s name.
element (list[str] | list[int]) – List of elements.
- classmethod from_string(bs_str, fmt='crystal')
Define basis set from a string.
- Parameters:
bs_str (str)
fmt (str) – Format string. Consistent with BSE python API.
- classmethod from_file(file, fmt='crystal')
Define a basis set from a file.
- property data
Print basis set information in CRYSTAL format
- to_file(file='BASISSET.DAT', fmt='crystal')
Print formatted data into a text file.
- Parameters:
file (str)
fmt (str) – Output format
Classes and methods of keywords used in ‘crystal’ input file (d12).
- class Crystal_inputBASE
The base class of Crystal_input class
- property geom
- set_geom(obj=None)
Geom subblock
- Parameters:
obj (Geom | str) – A block object of ‘GEOM’ submodule. Or a string in CRYSTAL d12 format.
- property basisset
- set_basisset(obj=None)
Basis set subblock
- Parameters:
obj (BasisSet | str) – A block object of basis set submodule. Or a string in CRYSTAL d12 format
- property scf
- set_scf(obj=None)
SCF subblock
- Parameters:
obj (SCF | str) – A block object of SCF submodule. Or a string in CRYSTAL d12 format
- from_file(file)
Generate a CrystalInputBASE obj from a d12 file. A ‘complete’ d12 file with geometry, basis set and SCF blocks is suggested.
- to_file(file)
Write data to a file
- class Geom
Geometry block object
- property data
Settings in all the attributes are summarized here. Covers the data property in BlockBASE, to address the ambiguity of ‘MOLECULE’ keywords.
- title(title='Generated by CRYSTALClear')
- crystal(IGR=None, latt=[], atom=[], IFLAG=0, IFHR=0, IFSO=0, origin=[])
Define ‘CRYSTAL’ structure
- Parameters:
sg (int) – Space group number. Parameter IGR in the manual
latt (list) – Minimal set of crystallographic cell parameters
atom (list) – Natom * 4 list of conventional atomic number and 3D fractional coordinates.
IFLAG (int) – See the manual
IFHR (int) – See the manual
IFSO (int) – See the manual
origin (list) – IFSO > 1 See the manual
- slab(IGR=None, latt=[], atom=[])
Define ‘SLAB’ structure
- polymer(IGR=None, latt=[], atom=[])
Define ‘POLYMER’ structure
- helix(N1=None, N2=0, latt=[], atom=[])
Define ‘HELIX’ structure
- Parameters:
N1 (int) – See the manual
N2 (int) – See the manual
- molecule(IGR=None, atom=[])
Define ‘MOLECULE’ structure
- external(key='EXTERNAL')
Define ‘EXTERNAL’ structure
- dlvinput(key='DLVINPUT')
Define ‘DLVINPUT’ structure
- supercel(mx=None)
Supercell by ‘SUPERCEL’ keyword
- Parameters:
mx (array | list | str) – ndimen * ndimen matrix, [] or ‘’
- supercon(mx=None)
Supercell by ‘SUPERCON’ keyword
- scelconf(mx=None)
Supercell by ‘SCELCONF’ keyword
- scelphono(mx=None)
Supercell by ‘SCELPHONO’ keyword
- atombsse(IAT=None, NSTAR=None, RMAX=None)
- atomdisp(NDISP=None, atom=[])
ATOMDISP keyword
- Parameters:
NDISP (int) – See manual
atom (list) – NDISP*4 list. Including LB, DX, DY, DZ
- atominse(NINS=None, atom=[])
ATOMINSE keyword
- Parameters:
NINS (int) – See manual
atom (list) – NINS*4 list. Including NA, X, Y, Z
- atomorde(key='ATOMORDE')
- atomremo(NL=None, atom=[])
ATOMREMO keyword
- Parameters:
NL (int) – See manual
atom (list) – NL*1 list. Including LB
- moleiso(NMOL=None, atom=[])
Corresponds to the option MOLECULE to isolate molecules from lattice. Only the method’s name is changed to avoid ambiguity with the one to set 0D geometry.
- Parameters:
NMOL (int)
atom (list[list[int]]) – NMOL*4 list. See CRYSTAL manual.
- extprt(key='EXTPRT')
- cifprt(key='CIFPRT')
- cifprtsym(key='CIFPRTSYM')
- coorprt(key='COORPRT')
- testgeom(key='TESTGEOM')
- property optgeom
Subblock object OPTGEOM
- set_optgeom(obj=None)
Optgeom subblock
- Parameters:
obj (Optgeom | str) – A block object of ‘OPTGEOM’ submodule. Or a string in CRYSTAL d12 format
- property freqcalc
Subblock object FREQCALC
- class Optgeom
OPTGEOM block object
- fulloptg(key='FULLOPTG')
- cellonly(key='CELLONLY')
- intredun(key='INTREDUN')
- itatocel(key='ITATOCEL')
- cvolopt(key='CVOLOPT')
- hessiden(key='HESSIDEN')
- hessmod1(key='HESSMOD1')
- hessmod2(key='HESSMOD2')
- hessnum(key='HESSNUM')
- toldeg(TG=None)
- toldex(TX=None)
- toldee(IG=None)
- maxcycle(MAX=None)
- fragment(NL=None, LB=[])
- Parameters:
NL (int | str) – Number of atoms. See manual. Or ‘’
LB (list[int]) – Label of atoms. See manual
- restart(key='RESTART')
- finalrun(ICODE=None)
- extpress(pres=None)
- allowtrustr(key='ALLOWTRUSTR')
- notrustr(key='NOTRUSTR')
- maxtradius(TRMAX=None)
- trustradius(TRADIUS=None)
- onelog(key='ONELOG')
- noxyz(key='NOXYZ')
- nosymmops(key='NOSYMMOPS')
- printforces(key='PRINTFORCES')
- printhess(key='PRINTHESS')
- printopt(key='PRINTOPT')
- print(key='PRINT')
- class Freqcalc
FREQCALC block object
- nooptgeom(key='NOOPTGEOM')
- property optgeom
- dispersion(key='DISPERSION')
- bands(ISS=None, NSUB=None, NLINE=None, points=[])
- modes(key='MODES')
- nomodes(key='NOMODES')
- numderiv(N=None)
- pressure(NP=None, P1=None, P2=None)
- restart(key='RESTART')
- stepsize(STEP=None)
- temperat(NT=None, T1=None, T2=None)
- class BasisSet
Basis Set block object
- basisset(NAME=None)
- from_bse(name, element, filename=None, append=False)
Download basis set definitions from Basis Set Exchange.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Basis set’s name.
element (list[str] | list[int] | list[list[str | int, int]]) – List of elements, specified by either atomic number or label. When a nelement*2 list is used, the second entry is recognized as conventional atomic numbers.
filename (None | str) – If not None, print basis set definitions to a text file
append (bool) – Whether to cover old entries. If the old entry contains ‘BASISSET’, it will be removed anyway.
- from_string(string, fmt='crystal', filename=None, append=False)
Basis set from a string
- Parameters:
string (str) – A line of string. Use ‘n’ to break lines. The ending line ‘99 0’ is needed but not ‘END’.
fmt (str) – Format of basis set string. if not ‘crystal’, this method calls Basis Set Exchange API to convert it.
filename (None | str) – See
append (bool) – See
- from_file(file, fmt='crystal', filename=None, append=False)
Basis set from a file
- Parameters:
file (file) – A formatted text file with basis set definitions. The ending line ‘99 0’ is needed but not ‘END’.
fmt (str) –
Format of basis set string. if not ‘crystal’, this method calls Basis Set Exchange API to convert it.
filename (None | str) – See
append (bool) – See
- from_obj(bs_obj, filename=None, append=False)
Define basis set from a BasisSetBASE object.
- Parameters:
bs_obj (BasisSetBASE) – A CRYSTALClear.base.basisset.BasisSetBASE object.
filename (None | str) – See
append (bool) – See
- ghosts(NA=None, LA=[])
- class SCF
SCF block object
- property dft
Subblock object DFT
- set_dft(obj=None)
DFT subblock
- Parameters:
obj (DFT | str) – A block object of ‘DFT’ submodule. Or a string in CRYSTAL d12 format
- property dftd3
Subblock object DFTD3
- set_dftd3(obj=None)
DFTD3 subblock
- Parameters:
obj (DFTD3 | str) – A block object of ‘DFTD3’ submodule. Or a string in CRYSTAL d12 format
- property gcp
Subblock object GCP
- set_gcp(obj=None)
GCP subblock
- Parameters:
obj (GCP | str) – A block object of ‘GCP’ submodule. Or a string in CRYSTAL d12 format.
- property fixgeom
- property fixbase
- fixindex(key1=None, obj1=None, obj2=None)
- biposize(ISIZE=None)
- exchsize(ISIZE=None)
- toldee(ITOL=None)
- guessp(key='GUESSP')
- atomspin(NA=None, LA=[])
- tolinteg(ITOL1=None, ITOL2=None, ITOL3=None, ITOL4=None, ITOL5=None)
- nobipola(key='NOBIPOLA')
- nobipcou(key='NOBIPCOU')
- nobipexc(key='NOBIPEXC')
- ldremo(value)
- maxcycle(MAX=None)
- fmixing(IPMIX=None)
- shrink(IS=None, ISP=None, IS1=None, IS2=None, IS3=None)
- gcpauto(key='GCPAUTO')
- smear(WIDTH=None)
- ppan(key='PPAN')
- gradcal(key='GRADCAL')
- exchange(key='EXCHANGE')
- postscf(key='POSTSCF')
- diis(key='DIIS')
- nodiis(key='NODIIS')
- diisallk(key='DIISALLK')
- histdiis(NCYC=None)
- prtdiis(key='PRTDIIS')
- cmplxfac(WEIGHT=None)
- repldata(key='REPLDATA')
- stdiag(key='STDIAG')
- class DFT
DFT block object
- spin(key='SPIN')
- exchange(ex=None)
- correlat(cor=None)
- xcfunc(xc=None)
- lgrid(key='LGRID')
- oldgrid(key='OLDGRID')
- xlgrid(key='XLGRID')
- xxlgrid(key='XXLGRID')
- xxxlgrid(key='XXXLGRID')
- radial(NR=None, RL=[], IL=[])
- angular(NI=None, AL=[], LEV=[])
Classes and methods to phrase ‘crystal’ output file.
- class GeomBASE
A container of basic methods for SCF geometry.
- classmethod read_geom(data, countline)
Read lattice from ‘A B C ALPHA BETA GAMMA’ block, periodic boundary condition and atom positions from ‘ATOMS IN THE ASYMMETRIC UNIT’ block. It terminates at the first empty line after that block.
- Parameters:
data (list[str]) – output file read by readlines()
countline (int) – The starting line number
- Returns:
countline (int) – Line number of output file.
struc (Pymatgen Structure | Molecule)
- classmethod read_conv_z(data, countline)
Read conventional atom numbers.
- Parameters:
data (list[str]) – output file read by readlines()
countline (int) – The starting line number
- Returns:
countline (int) – Line number of output file.
conv_z (array) – Int array of conventional atom numbers
- class SCFBASE
A container of basic methods for SCF loop.
- classmethod read_convergence(data, countline)
Read SCF convergence.
- Returns:
countline (int)
ncyc (int) – Number of cycles
endflag (str) – ‘terminated’, ‘converged’, ‘too many cycles’ and ‘unknown’
e (array) – nCYC*1 array of SCF energy. Unit: eV
de (array) – nCYC*1 array of SCF energy difference. Unit: eV
- classmethod read_fermi_energy(data, countline, history=False)
Read Fermi energy.
- Parameters:
history (bool) – Whether to read e fermi of all steps
- Returns:
countline (int)
spin (bool) – Whether the system is spin-polarised.
efermi (float | array) – Fermi energy. Unit: eV
- classmethod read_band_gap(data, countline, history=False)
Read band gap.
- Parameters:
history (bool) – Whether to read band gap of all steps
- Returns:
countline (int)
spin (bool) – Whether the system is spin-polarised.
gap (float | array) – Band gap. Unit: eV
- class OptBASE
A container of basic methods for Opt loop.
- classmethod read_optblock(data, countline)
Read optimisation blocks.
- Returns:
countline (int) – Line number of output file.
ncyc (int) – Number of cycles
endflag (str) – ‘terminated’, ‘converged’, ‘failed’ and ‘unknown’
e (array) – nCYC*1 array of total energy. Unit: eV
de (array) – nCYC*1 array of total energy difference. Unit: eV
struc (list[Structure]) – nCYC*1 list of pymatgen structures
maxg (array) – nCYC*1 array of max energy gradient convergence. Unit: Hartree / Bohr
rmsg (array) – nCYC*1 array of RMS energy gradient convergence. Unit: Hartree / Bohr
maxd (array) – nCYC*1 array of max displacement convergence. Unit: Bohr
rmsd (array) – nCYC*1 array of RMS displacement convergence. Unit: Bohr
- class PhononBASE
A container of basic methods for phonon information.
- classmethod readmode_basic(data, countline)
Read basic frequency information.
- Returns:
countline (int) – Line number of output file.
frequency (array[float]) – nmode * 1
intens (array[float]) – nmode * 1
IR (array[bool]) – nmode * 1
Raman (array[bool]) – nmode * 1
- classmethod readmode_eigenvector(data, countline)
Get mode eigenvectors.
- Returns:
countline (int) – Line number of output file.
eigvt (array[float]) – nmode*natom*3 array.
- classmethod classical_amplitude(struc, freq)
Get classical amplitude of phonon modes
\[x = \sqrt{\]rac{hbar}{muomega}}
- Args:
struc (Structure): Pymatgen structure freq (float | array): Frequency. Unit: THz
- Returns:
- classic_a (array): nfreq*3natom*3natom array, or 3natom*3natom
is float. The diagonal matrix of classical amplitude.
- classmethod normalize_eigenvector(eigvt, amplitude=1.0)
Normalize the mode of eigenvectors.
- Parameters:
eigvt (array[complex]) – nmode*natom*3 array.
amplitude (float) – Amplitude of normalization
- Returns:
eigvt (array[complex]) – Normalized eigenvector.
- classmethod clean_q_overlap(crysout, threshold)
Remove the repeated q points at both ends of line segment when dispersion is read. The weight of q points will be updated here.
- Parameters:
crysout (Crystal_output) –
objectthreshold (float) – The q point overlap threshold.
- classmethod clean_imaginary(crysout, threshold)
Substitute imaginary modes and corresponding eigenvectors with numpy NaN format and print warning message.
- Parameters:
crysout (Crystal_output) –
objectthreshold (float) – The threshold to identify a phonon mode as negative.
Base object of all the input (d12/d3) blocks.
- class BlockBASE
The base class of ‘block’ objects
- property data
Settings in all the attributes are summarized here.
- static assign_keyword(key, shape, value=None)
Transform value into string formats.
- Parameters:
key (str) – CRYSTAL keyword
shape (list[int]) – 1D list. Shape of input text. Length: Number of lines; Element: Number of values
value (list | str) – List, a 1D list of arguments;
or a list begins withNone
, return to keyword only;''
or a list begins with''
, Clean everything
- Returns:
text (str) – CRYSTAL input
- static set_matrix(mx)
Set matrix-like data to get assign_keyword inputs. Used for supercell expansion matrix and strain tensor.
- Parameters:
mx (list | str) –
, or''
- Returns:
shape (list) –
1D list. All elements are ndimen.value (list) –
1D list. Flattened matrix.
- static set_list(*args)
Set list-like data to get assign_keyword inputs. Used for lists with known dimensions. Such as atom coordinate list.
- Parameters:
*args –
, Clean data;None
, Return keyword only;int, list
, int for length of the list, list for list data- Returns:
shape (list) – 1 + length 1D list or []
args (list) – Flattened list, [] or ‘’
- clean_conflict(newattr, conflict)
Addressing the conflictions between attributes, usually between blocks or block and keywords. For conflictions between keywords, they are set to direct the same attribute.
- Parameters:
newattr (str) – The attribute explicitly specified.
conflict (list[str]) – The list of conflicting attributes including the called one. ‘Real’ attributes (begins with ‘_’) are needed.
- clean_block()
Clean all the keyword-related attributes (accessible attributes).
This method directly deletes all the attributes. Alternatively, by setting an attribute with ‘’, the attribute is kept but its old values are erased.
- update_block()
Update the
attribute: Summarizing all the settings to_block_data
attribute for inspection and print
- analyze_text(text)
Analyze the input text and return to corresponding attributes
Base functions for plotting 2D and 3D figures
- plot_cry_bands(bands, k_labels, energy_range, title, not_scaled, mode, linestl, linewidth, color, fermi, k_range, labels, figsize, scheme, sharex, sharey, fermiwidth, fermialpha)
The base function to plot electron phonon density of states.
- Parameters:
bands (Union[List, object]) – List of band objects or a single band object.
k_labels (Union[List[str], None]) – List of strings specifying the labels for high symmetry points along the path.
energy_range (Union[List[Union[int, float]], None]) – List of two integers or floats specifying the energy range (min, max).
title (Union[str, None]) – Title of the plot.
not_scaled (bool) – Flag indicating whether to scale the band structure for comparison.
mode (str) – Mode of the plot (‘single’, ‘multi’, ‘compare’).
linestl (Union[str, List[str]]) – Line style or list of line styles for the bands.
linewidth (Union[int, List[int]]) – Line width or list of line widths for the bands.
color (Union[str, List[str]]) – Color or list of colors for the bands.
fermi (str) – Color of the Fermi level.
fermiwidth (float) – Thickness of the Fermi level
fermialpha (float) – Opacity of the Fermi level
k_range (Union[List[str], None]) – List of two strings specifying the range of k points to plot.
labels (Union[List[str], None]) – List of labels for the bands in multi-mode.
figsize (Union[Tuple[int, int], None]) – Figure size.
scheme (Union[List[int], Tuple[int, int], None]) – Subplot scheme in compare-mode (number of rows, number of columns).
sharex (Union[bool, str]) – Flag or ‘row’ or ‘col’ specifying sharing of x-axis.
sharey (Union[bool, str]) – Flag or ‘row’ or ‘col’ specifying sharing of y-axis.
fermialpha – Opacity of the fermi level 0-1
fermiwidth – Width of the fermi level
- Raises:
ValueError – If an invalid mode flag is specified or if there are errors in the input parameters.
- Returns:
- plot_single_cry_bands(bands, linestl, linewidth, color, figsize, sharex, sharey)
- plot_multi_cry_bands(bands, not_scaled, linestl, linewidth, color, labels, figsize, sharex, sharey)
- plot_compare_cry_bands(bands, energy_range, not_scaled, linestl, linewidth, color, fermi, figsize, scheme, sharex, sharey, fermiwidth, fermialpha)
- plot_cry_doss(doss, color, fermi, overlap, labels, figsize, linestl, linewidth, title, beta, energy_range, dos_range, prj)
The base function to plot electron / phonon density of states.
- Parameters:
doss (object) – The density of states object.
color (str or list) – The color(s) of the plot(s).
fermi (str) – The color of the Fermi level line.
overlap (bool) – True if the projections should overlap, False otherwise.
labels (str or list) – The label(s) for the plot(s).
figsize (tuple) – The figure size (width, height) in inches.
linestl (str or list) – The line style(s) for the plot(s).
linewidth (float) – The width of the line(s) in points.
title (str) – The title of the plot.
beta (str) – The beta value (‘up’ or ‘down’).
energy_range (tuple) – The energy range (xmin, xmax) for the x-axis.
dos_range (tuple) – The density of states range (ymin, ymax) for the y-axis.
prj (None or list) – The projection(s) to plot.
- Returns:
- plot_cry_es(bands, doss, k_labels, color_bd, color_doss, fermi, energy_range, linestl_bd, linestl_doss, linewidth, prj, figsize, labels, dos_range, title, dos_beta, legend)
The base function to plot electron / phonon band structure + DOS
- Parameters:
bands (object) – Object containing band structure data
doss (object) – Object containing density of states data
k_labels (list or None) – List of labels for high symmetry points along the path
color_bd (str) – Color for the band structure plot
color_doss (str or list or tuple) – Color(s) for the density of states plot
fermi (str) – Color for the Fermi level lines
energy_range (list or None) – Range of energy values for the y-axis
linestl_bd (str) – Linestyle for the band structure plot
linestl_doss (str or list or tuple or None) – Linestyle(s) for the density of states plot
linewidth (float) – Width of the lines
prj (list or None) – List of projection indices for plotting specific projections
figsize (tuple) – Figure size (width, height)
labels (str or list or tuple or None) – Labels for the density of states plot
dos_range (list or None) – Range of the density of states plot
title (str or None) – Title of the figure
dos_beta (str) – Beta state for the density of states plot (‘up’ or ‘down’)
legend (bool) – Enables or disables the legend
- Returns:
fig (object) – Figure object containing the plotted data
Classes and methods to phrase output files by ‘properties’ calculations.
- class OutBASE(filename)
Base object for Properties output file. Auxiliary information is substracted. Other data is read from formatted files respectively.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – Properties output file name.
- classmethod get_geometry(filename)
Get geometry from properties output calculation. A 3D geometry is generated since no dimensionality information is provided.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – Properties output file name.
- Returns:
struc (Structure) – Pymatgen structure
- classmethod get_lattice(filename)
Get lattice matrix from properties output calculation. A 3D lattice is generated since no dimensionality information is provided.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – Properties output file name.
- Returns:
matrix (array) – 3*3 lattice matrix
- classmethod get_reciprocal_lattice(filename)
Get reciprocal lattice matrix from properties output calculation. A 3D lattice is generated since no dimensionality information is provided.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – Properties output file name.
- Returns:
matrix (array) – 3*3 reciprocal lattice matrix
- classmethod get_3dkcoord(filename)
BANDS calculation only. Get 3D coordinates of k points and shrinking factors from output file.
- Parameters:
filename (str) – Properties output file name.
- Returns:
tick_pos3d (array) – ntick*3 array of fractional coordinates of high symmetry k points
k_pos3d (array) – nkpoint*3 fractional coordinates of k points
- class DOSBASE(n_energy, n_proj, spin, efermi, doss, unit)
Base object for doensity of states.
- Parameters:
n_energy (int) – Number of energy points
n_proj (int) – Number of projections
spin (int) – 1 or 2, restricted or open shell calculations
efermi (float) – Fermi energy. Unit: eV / THz
doss (array[float]) – n_energy*(n_proj+1)*spin array of data. The first entry of 2nd dimension is energy / frequency axis. Unit: eV / THz. Other entries are data in states / eV or states / THz.
- classmethod DOSS_parser(data)
Parse DOSS.DAT / PHONDOS file for electron / phonon DOS. Unit: eV / THz. E Fermi is aligned to 0.
- Parameters:
data (list[str]) – A list of string (DOSS.DAT).
- classmethod f25_parser(data)
Parse fort.25 file for electron / phonon DOS. Unit: eV / THz. E Fermi is aligned to 0.
- Parameters:
data (list[str]) – A list of string (fort.25).
- class BandsBASE(spin, n_tick, tick_position, tick_label, efermi, n_bands, bands, n_kpoints, k_point_plot, unit)
Base object for electron / phonon band structure.
- Parameters:
spin (int) – 1 or 2. Closed or open shell calculation
n_tick (int) – Number of high symmetric k points
tick_position (array) – n_tick*1, 1D coordinates of k points along the path
tick_label (list[str]) – Label of k points
efermi (str) – Fermi energy
n_bands (int) – Number of bands
bands (array) – n_bands*n_kpoints*spin array of band data. Unit: eV / THz
n_kpoints (int) – Number of k points along the path
k_point_plot (float) – 1D k coordinates along the path
Uninitialized attributes *
: Pymatgen structure *self.reciprocal_latt
: array, matrix of reciprocal lattice *self.tick_pos3d
: array, 3D fractional coordinates of tick labels in reciprocal space *self.k_point_pos3d
: array, 3D fractional coordinates of k points in reciprocal space- classmethod BAND_parser(data)
Parse BAND.DAT / PHONBANDS.DAT file for electron / phonon band structure. Unit: eV / THz. E Fermi is aligned to 0.
- Parameters:
data (list[str]) – A list of string (BAND.DAT).
- classmethod f25_parser(data)
Parse fort.25 file for electron / phonon band structure. Unit: eV / THz. E Fermi is aligned to 0.
If Fermi energy is 0, the file is read as phonon band file.
- Parameters:
data (list[str]) – A list of string (fort.25).